My Skin Story

Jordyn Chessmore Skin

Most people think that they are invincible…until they’re not. My family doctor had mentioned over a few visits that I should look into some moles that I had on my skin. I insisted that I always had them, and they always looked that way so there was nothing strange there. You might always say  “It’ll never happen to me,” and put certain health procedures off- just like I did and I always said that we would wait until “next time”.

“Next time” finally came, and after having my skin looked at, I had two areas casually biopsied. I thought nothing of it, because I don’t go outside in the sun often, and I don’t tan; so I had nothing to worry about, right? “Right?” I got a call a week later that my biopsies came back irregular, and the word “pre-cancerous” was used. “Pre-cancerous?” 

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My Skin Story

Shoot with MyInfiniteAdventure

Presenting one of my favorite photo sets to date!! To be honest, this was shot MONTHS ago, but it doesn’t mean I can’t share it now, right? I have found that the real key to great photos is an amazing team. I love seeing the outcome of multiple peoples’ efforts on a shoot.

Jordyn Chessmore

The photographer is the ever-so-lovely Natasha Hayes. Sometimes I struggle to find even one photo that I love from a single set; Natasha provided me with so many that I thought, hey we need to make a whole post about it! Natasha really has an eye for photography and was able to find all of the flattering angles. I was so pleased when I saw her edits because I really loved every single one of them. Her talent is exceptional and she is someone who I would love to shoot with over and over again. Natasha Hayes via MyInfiniteAdventure on Instagram

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Shoot with MyInfiniteAdventure